FDA plans 6 public meetings in August


Six public meetings, conferences or workshops sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have been scheduled for August, the FDA reported.

Such meetings can be on the following topics: advisory committee agendas; animal and veterinary; biologics; combination products; cosmetics; drugs; food; medical countermeasures; science and research; and tobacco products.


FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops for August

Start DateEnd DateEventEvent TypeCenter
Aug. 7Aug. 7August 7, 2019: Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting AnnouncementAdvisory Committee MeetingCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research
Aug. 8Aug. 8Development of Antiviral Drugs for the Treatment of Adenoviral Infection in Immunocompromised PatientsPublicCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research
Aug. 8Aug. 8FDA-BCAN Workshop: Endpoints for the Development of Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy Regimens for Muscle-Invasive Bladder CancerWorkshopCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research
Aug. 12Aug. 12Precision Dosing: Defining the Need and Approaches to Deliver Individualized Drug Dosing in the Real-World SettingWorkshopCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research, Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Aug. 13Aug. 13Webinar - FDA Innovation Challenges: Identify Sterilization Alternatives and Reduce Ethylene Oxide EmissionsWebcastCenter for Devices and Radiological Health
Aug. 22Aug. 22Webinar - Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems and Transducers: Final Guidance - August 22, 2019WebcastCenter for Devices and Radiological Health
Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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